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Lemtek UI

News And Event

Faculty of Pharmacy UI will Develop Research Building at UI Depok

Faculty of Pharmacy UI needs a new building that will increase national resilience in the field of drug development research in Indonesia in order to maintain and ensure continued scientific talent and maintain a competitive advantage in the global drug research landscape. To realize this research building development, Prof. Dr. apt. Arry Yanuar, M.Sc. as Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy UI invited Lemtek UI to conduct a a meeting to discuss the plans for the building design to meet the stakeholders expectations and requirements that include user needs, UI regulations and other technical rules and regulations. The meeting has been held on August 7 2024 on 3th Floor of Health Sciences Cluster Building in UI Depok. The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. apt. Arry Yanuar, M.Sc. as Dean, Prof. Dr. apt. Fadlina Chany Saputri, M.Si. as Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs and Dr. apt. Sutriyo, M.Sc. as Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration of Faculty of Pharmacy UI. The team from Lemtek UI consists of Dr. Wisnu Isvara., MT as General Manager, Prof. Yandi Andri Yatmo, ST DipArch MArch PhD as Senior Architect, Ar. Ita Mani Utami, IAI as Design and Planning Manager and Fieneshia Sevita, ST., MT as Business Development Manager. The meeting was also attended by Andri Syahreza, MH as Head of Sub-Directorate for Business Cooperation of Cooperation Directorate UI.