Kickoff Meeting of DED Standardization for Bank Indonesia Official Residences (RDBI)
Bank Indonesia has a Bank Indonesia Residential Master Plan (RIRUMBI Phase 1) 2024 – 2030 which includes Guiding Principles 3C (Compact, Comfort, Community) and Standardized Design Guidelines. Bank Indonesia has also currently prepared a Study on Modern Living Concept Planning and Basic Engineering Design (BED) RDBI. The BED document will be detailed into a Detailed Engineering Design (DED) in the form of an RDBI Design Standardization Book. Lemtek UI has been appointed by Bank Indonesia to carry out the preparation of DED RDBI Standardization. On August 13 2024, a Kickoff meeting for the Work was held. The opening remarks were initiated and opened by Hilman Tisnawan as Head of the Residences and Non-Office Asset Management Department of Bank Indonesia. The next speech from Lemtek UI was represented by Dr. Wishnu Isvara, MT. as General Manager and continued with an explanation of the work plan and work implementation methods by Joko Adianto, ST, M.Ars., Ph.D. as Team Leader. The event was attended by a team from the Housing and Non-Office Asset Management Department of Bank Indonesia, a team from Lemtek UI consisting of more than 30 people from various fields of expertise including Architecture, Structure, Geotechnical, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Interior & Illumination, Landscape, Building Green Building, Building Information Modeling and Quantity Surveyor. BED consultants were also present the results of their work which will become input for Lemtek UI.