Signing of the FS, FEED & DEDC Gas Network for 100,000 House Connections Agreement
Based on the Memorandum of Understanding between the Directorate General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the University of Indonesia in 2022, and a series of discussions between the Directorate General of Oil & Gas and FTUI and also Lemtek UI, Lemtek UI has been appointed by the Directorate General of Oil & Gas Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, to carry out the Preparation of a Feasibility Study (FS), Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and Detailed Engineering Design for Constructions (DEDC) of the Natural Gas Distribution Network for Households totaling 100,000 House Connections. On July 31 2024, at the Meeting Room on the 9th Floor of the Ibnu Sutowo Building, which is the office of the Directorate General of Oil & Gas Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, a contract was signed for the work agreement above between Tafaqquh Fiddin, ST as Commitment Making Officials (PPK) for Preparing Planning Documents Oil and Gas Infrastructure Development with Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Handaya Saputra as Director of Lemtek UI. The signing event was also attended by Laode Sulaeman, ST. MT as Director of Oil and Gas Planning & Infrastructure and Sugiarto, ST., MT as Development Planning Coordinator from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, and Dr. Wisnu Isvara, MT as General Manager, Retyaning Puji Utami ST., MT as Marketing Manager and Fieneshia Sevita, ST., MT as Business Development Manager from Lemtek UI.