KAI – UI Collaboration for Integrated UI Depok Station Revitalization
PT. Indonesian Railways (KAI) and UI are collaborating in the Integrated UI Depok Station Revitalization. In this collaboration, KAI and UI agreed to use the design concept resulting from the competition held by UI and KAI in 2019 which was won by Studiork, and will appoint Lemtek UI to make the Detailed Engineering Design documents. On August 21 2024, the Science Park Building, UI Depok, a technical meeting was held and attended by Directorate Cooperation UI, represented by Dr. Eko Sakasampurna as Head of Sub-Directorate for Academic and Government Cooperation, Aswin Dewanto Hadisumarto, SE, MIA as Head of Sub-Directorate for Strategic Project Cooperation. From the Directorate of Operations and Maintenance of Facilities UI consists of Budi Maulana ST as Head of Sub-Directorate for Facilities Design & Maintenance, Muh. Asri, ST as Head of Sub-Directorate for Supervision of Construction & Maintenance of Facilities and Baroto Setyono M.Sc. as Head of Sub-Directorate for Asset and Facilities Management. From Lemtek UI consisting of Dr. Wisnu Isvara, MT as General Manager, Ar. Ita M Utami, IAI as Design & Planning Manager and Fieneshia Sevita, ST., MT., as Business Development Manager. The team from KAI was represented by Ferdi Kurniawan, ST as Manager Assets Development and the team from PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) was represented by Fitri Kusumo, ST as Vice President of Infrastructure. Studiork as a team of architects is led by Romadhona, S.Ars. In this meeting, Romadhona, S.Ars explained the UI Station design concept, then continued with discussions regarding the expectations, needs and requirements of the main stakeholders (KAI and UI) as well as limitations and problems that might be faced in the design and construction later. All results of this discussion will become the Terms of Reference and become part of the agreement that will be included in the Cooperation Agreement between KAI and UI.