Risk Based Inspection Analysis Pressure Vessel & Corrosion Control Document Workshop
Pertamina Hulu Energi OSES (PHE OSES) has appointed Lemtek UI to carry out an Integrated Facility Integrated Study for 3 years in accordance with the agreement between PHE OSES and Lemtek UI which was signed on March 29 2024. The general scope of work includes Integrity Operating Window Analysis, Creation of Corrosion Control Documents and Development Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Program at PHE OSES. On 14-16 August 2024 at Aston Bogor Hotel & Resort a workshop was held on Finalizing the discussion of Risk Based Inspection Analysis Pressure Vessel & Corrosion Control Document. The workshop was opened by Dr. Wisnu Isvara, MT as General Manager, and attended by team of Lemtek UI experts consisting of Muhamad Adyutatama, ST., MT., Anton Norman, ST., MT., Ikhwan Afdila, ST. and Marcelleus Marcel, ST. From PHE OSES attended by Heri Haruman as Operation & Surface Facilities Manager, Girindra Putra, ST as Senior Surface Facility Engineer, Enriko Fadly, ST as Facility Integrity Engineer & Contract Holder and the team.